Benediction (Prayer)



Merciful Lord,

Graciously you call me to life in you:
To abandon fear and to embrace love,
To plant seeds of peace in a world overrun by forests of violence.
To make dents and cracks in dividing walls with the words that I speak and the things that I do.
To rejoice, compassionately, as the walls come crashing down; wounding tradition while shattering injustice.
Holy God,
Let my words be filled with love and spoken in peace. Let my hands be guided by compassion.
Let my feet walk in paths of mercy, leading me to encounters with people who need to experience your grace in their lives.
Make me generous with grace,
Abundant in patience,
Willing to love,
Eager to forgive.
Let my life be a reflection of you; a light shining in darkest places, a voice calling out in the desert wilderness, “here is your God.”

May it be so, in the name of Christ, my Lord.

Submitted by:
Sara Robb-Scott, Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care, First Baptist Decatur