Being Remembered

I thank my God every time I remember you …
— Philippians 1:3

I used to work as a volunteer with Amnesty International, a powerful advocacy group for prisoners of conscience (people imprisoned for their faith or political stands). As a local pastor, I worked within the Washington, D.C. Baptist Convention to get our churches to write letters on behalf of many of these prisoners throughout the world. We would write our letters in English, both to the leaders of those countries, but also to the prisoners themselves. 

Then our letters, along with a simple sentence on a card would be shared with the prisoner, wherever they were, and whenever Amnesty could get access to them. The sentence was written in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and sometimes several other languages. It said: 

You are not forgotten. 

We had numerous testimonials from prisoners who had later been released. Often their words were: "You will never know how much receiving that message meant to me. It kept me alive. It gave me hope, just to know someone, somewhere in the world cared." 

This is not just a message from Amnesty International. It is the message of the gospel. This is the power of God's love, living and working through each of us. Even in the hardest times, when we feel alone and isolated and hurting, remember: You are not forgotten. 

I thank my God every time I remember you.

