Aging Spiritually: The Healing Love of Jesus


At some point in your life, you will be broken in body, mind, or spirit.  We cannot go through life without being wounded in some way.  When you are broken, how do you find healing?  The story of a broken Gerasene man in Luke 8:26-39, shows us what happens when human brokenness encounters the healing love of Jesus.

 This Gerasene man was broken, not in his right mind.  His body may have been whole, but he was broken in mind and spirit.  He was overwhelmed by a Legion of voices all clamoring for control of his life.

 Have you ever felt like this man?  Have you ever been distressed and in despair, torn by a multitude of demands that seemed to drive you out of your right mind?

 I’ve had times when I was overwhelmed by life’s many concerns.  Many voices, both inside and out, all clamoring for attention, striving to control my thoughts, my emotions, and my actions.  Sometimes I have felt like I am not in my right mind, not living life as God intended, finding myself driven this way and that way, far from the shalom wholeness God desires for me.

 Our human lives are often broken, especially as we get older.  We struggle with limitations of body, mind and spirit that make us sick and frail.  When Jesus saw this man, he saw someone whose life was no longer whole.  In the love of Jesus, this man found healing and wholeness.

 In your life, when you have been broken in body, mind or spirit, who offered healing love to you?  Who became the healing presence of Christ for you, restoring shalom wholeness to your broken and frail life?

 Every week I visit people who are broken in one way or another.  People who suffer from an aging body that needs physical therapy to rebuild strength.  People who wrestle with depression, struggling with emotions that are out of balance. People who are deeply grieving a loss, broken in spirit.

 I visit them to be the healing presence of Christ in their lives.  I don’t do the healing.  I just remind people of the healing love of Jesus, who works for shalom wholeness in our lives, healing our brokenness.

 The Gerasene man found wholeness at the feet of Jesus.  We too can find healing and wholeness at the feet of Jesus.  At times each of us is broken in mind, body, or spirit.  Jesus offers healing and shalom wholeness for the brokenness in our lives.  Thanks be to God for the healing love of Jesus.


Our practice this week is a breath prayer.  This is one or two simple words or short phrases that you silently repeat in your mind (or softly aloud) with every breath.  Sit tall in your chair.  Breathe deeply, feel the expansion in your lower abdomen.  As you inhale, pray the first word, or phrase.  As you exhale, pray the second word or phrase.  For example, shalom – wholeness, or heal – my pain, or peace – within.  Use whatever words or phrases that help you find the healing you need in that moment.  Continue as long as you wish.


Greg Smith
Legacy Ministry for Older Adults