A Prayer for Easter


O God,

What joy it is to be in this space 

     with these beloved brothers and sisters 

          on this day! 

For today we victoriously proclaim, in your presence, 

     that death did not win, 

          life continues, 

               and love never ends. 

      What a joy, 

            what a gift it is 

                to sit in this reality knowing that we are your beloved children. 

This morning, we know that our reality is on this side of an empty tomb. 

     But we still take a few moments to acknowledge the fact that, 

          for many of us, 

               our hearts are in other places.

For those of us this morning that find ourselves truly full of joy, 

     able to experience both the love of you 

          and the love of those around us, 

      we give you our thanks 

          because we do not take that small miracle for granted.

But for those of us in our community who find our hearts stuck in Saturday, 

     feeling uncertain, 


               feeling like our foundations are not quite solid, 

     we pray today that you will cover us with an extra measure of your peace. 

          Show us glimpses of light so that we may trust that Sunday is indeed here.

And for those of us who find our hearts stuck on Friday, 

     where we find ourselves full of grief, 

          full of pain over what we have been asked to walk through 

               or what a loved one has been asked to endure, 

     we pray that you will shower us with your love.

    We pray you will put people in our lives who will hold us in the light.

We thank you for the joy and miracle of Easter. 

     And we pray all of these things 

          for this community of your children

              and for the community of your children outside of these walls 

     in the name of your Son who is risen. 

     Risen indeed. Amen.


Shelley Woodruff
Pastor for Community Engagement