A Journey Through Advent: Day 24


Day 24
December 22, 2020

Advent Prayer of Love

Rev. Kristen Koger

Loving God,

On this last week of Advent, we pray for your love to fill this world. So many have tried to show the world what “true love” looks like through song and movies and art. All the languages of the world have tried to come up with words to describe love. Each of us has different ways we show love to those around us and how we like those around us to show love to us.

But your love, O God, is greater and bigger than any song, movie or word could describe or encapsulate. Your love reaches to every place of the earth and is not bound by any human-made creation. Your love is found in the highest of mountains and the lowest of valleys and the deepest of oceans. Your love is incomprehensible and never-ending.

And yet, your love is accessible. Your love is found in the warmth of a smile and in the laughter of children. It can be seen in the early morning sunsets and the dark, starry sky. It can be felt in the kindness of a stranger and in the embrace of a friend. It is seen as we look around at all the things you’ve created and all the things that bring us joy.

Your love came to earth wrapped in a blanket and found in a manger. Your love was seen in the face of a young mother and the eyes of a worried father. It was heard in the angels rejoicing in the heavens and the magi as they asked, “Where is the child who was born?” Your love was felt by those who were pushed to the fringes and were told “There is room for you at this table.” 

You love is lived out in the lives of fishermen who left everything behind so they could follow a man they hardly knew. Your love was hung on a cross and laid in a tomb for three days, until your love rose from the dead and said, “Go. Tell everyone the Good News!”

Your love didn’t end when Christ ascended to heaven. Your love lives in us. From the very instant our lives came to be, your love became a part of us. And we became a part of the never-ending story of Love.

Love that knows no boundaries; love that has no judgements; love that is incomprehensible and accessible all in the same breath.

A love that we don’t deserve, and yet is given to each of us freely and fully.

May we be carriers of this love in your world, O God. May it burn brightly in our hearts and guide us as we give hands and feet to a love that is deeply needed.

We pray all these things to the God who loves each of us, just as we are.


About a Journey Through Advent

This year is unprecedented in its challenges to our global, national, and local communities, let alone the challenges to our own church community and personal spiritual growth. And yet, the rhythm of the church calendar continues to hold us in a life-giving refrain: hope is alive!

This series of devotional readings, scripture readings, and prayers is designed to give you an opportunity to pause and reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love that the Advent season brings.

We challenge you to set aside time each day to read, reflect, and pray through these offerings presented by our pastoral staff.

May you find encouragement in the remarkable hope this season provides us!