A Journey Through Advent: Day 19


Day 19
December 17, 2020

A Prayer for Joy

Pastor Kelsey Lewis Vincent

God of Goodness,

The Bible tells us that all good and perfect gifts come from you. We know that we are supposed to feel joy in this season, but we confess that it feels far off.

So we ask that you would help us to celebrate this Christmas. Help us to find moments of laughter when the reality doesn’t always feel funny. Help us to see your abundance when all around us is grief and need. Send down joy like manna to the Israelites in the desert. Send down joy like rain in a drought.

Teach us that joy is not a prize for success, but a tool that sustains us through hardship. Teach us that we can choose joy, even as we struggle with despair. Teach us that joy is contagious and can be shared with our neighbors and the people in our path. Teach us that joy can be found along even the thorniest of paths.  

For on a dark night, in a small town, in a dire circumstance, your son Jesus was born amidst poverty and grime. And through him, you showed us solidarity through pain, bringing your presence to even the mundane moments and planting the seed of a just and redemptive kingdom here on Earth. You were there, and you are here among us still. Help us to see you at the heart of our holiday season, inspiring us to humor and good cheer, knowing that we are not alone in the darkest of moments, for your presence among us is the best gift ever.

In Jesus’ name,

About a Journey Through Advent

This year is unprecedented in its challenges to our global, national, and local communities, let alone the challenges to our own church community and personal spiritual growth. And yet, the rhythm of the church calendar continues to hold us in a life-giving refrain: hope is alive!

This series of devotional readings, scripture readings, and prayers is designed to give you an opportunity to pause and reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love that the Advent season brings.

We challenge you to set aside time each day to read, reflect, and pray through these offerings presented by our pastoral staff.

May you find encouragement in the remarkable hope this season provides us!