Choosing Peace


Paul was familiar with isolation in the Roman prison where he wrote his letter to the Philippians.  His attitude rose above his circumstances.  The God of peace will be with you, he wrote.  Is the God of peace with you in the moments of your day?  Are you so overwhelmed with this virus that you are completely unaware of the peace-giving presence of God?

Paul told his friends in Philippi to rejoice.  Just to make sure they got it, he said it twice.  Rejoice.  Do not worry.  With gratitude, share your needs with God. 

Being aware of the peaceful presence of God begins by choosing your attitude.  Joy and gratitude are your choice.  Remember, Paul was in a Roman jail when he wrote these words.  We can choose the attitude with which we face each day.  We can choose to be joyful and thankful, even in the face of hardship.  Joyful gratitude is the foundation of knowing God’s peace.

 Your attitude does not depend upon your circumstances.  Paul also reminds us to keep our hearts and minds centered on life-giving thoughts.  Paul gives us quite a list to think on:

whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise.

Do you fill your mind with what is true, honorable, pure, and pleasing?  You can choose peace in each moment by choosing what you give your attention to.  Peace in our lives comes from being aware of God’s presence in each moment.  God is with us, but our attitudes, our thinking, and our actions sometimes get in the way like a thick fog, blocking our awareness of God’s peace-giving presence. 

You can choose your attitude.  You can choose what you think on.  You can choose your actions.  Choose peace.  In the midst of this pandemic which has shaken our lives, choose your attitude.  Choose to clear away the fog of your life so that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. 

Greg Smith, Director of Legacy Ministry, First Baptist Church Decatur


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