Thursday Daily Prayer
May 14, 2020
Dear God,
You saw Hagar in the desert when she thought no one cared for her.
And you see me, isolated and alone, even now.
Help me to see myself through your eyes, to truly believe that I am loved,
So that I can rest from the endless toil of people-pleasing and self-help.
Help me to rest in your love.
And help me to see others through your eyes, with your heart.
Help me to love them as they are, and not for what they could be.
Help me rest from the need to fix those around me,
and to instead love them without expectations or without qualification.
Help me to center my goals, my expectations, and my hopes on your love,
above and beyond what the world tells me to value.
In your son's name,
Submitted by:
Kelsey Lewis Vincent, Pastor for Youth and Families, First Baptist Decatur