Tuesday Daily Prayer


May 12, 2020

Today’s lectionary psalm reading comes from Psalm 102:1-17. The title of this Psalm is “A Prayer for One Whose Life is Falling to Pieces, and Who Lets God Know Just How Bad It Is” according to The Message translation. Read the Psalm below, and then offer your own prayer to God, letting God know just how bad it is. And rest in the assurance that our God can handle all the feelings we can throw God’s way.

Lord, we offer this prayer to you:

God, listen! Listen to my prayer,

    listen to the pain in my cries.

Don’t turn your back on me

    just when I need you so desperately.

Pay attention! This is a cry for help!

    And hurry—this can’t wait!


I’m wasting away to nothing,

    I’m burning up with fever.

I’m a ghost of my former self,

    half-consumed already by terminal illness.

My jaws ache from gritting my teeth;

    I’m nothing but skin and bones.

I’m like a buzzard in the desert,

    a crow perched on the rubble.

Insomniac, I twitter away,

    mournful as a sparrow in the gutter.

All day long my enemies taunt me,

    while others just curse.

They bring in meals—casseroles of ashes!

    I draw drink from a barrel of my tears.

And all because of your furious anger;

    you swept me up and threw me out.

There’s nothing left of me—

    a withered weed, swept clean from the path.


Yet you, God, are sovereign still,

    always and ever sovereign.

You’ll get up from your throne and help Zion—

    it’s time for compassionate help.

Oh, how your servants love this city’s rubble

    and weep with compassion over its dust!

The godless nations will sit up and take notice

    —see your glory, worship your name—

When God rebuilds Zion,

    when he shows up in all his glory,

When he attends to the prayer of the wretched.

    He won’t dismiss their prayer.

Submitted By:
Kristen Koger, Pastor for Children and Families, First Baptist Church Decatur