Tuesday Daily Prayer


April 7, 2020

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

Loving God, who gives us rest, our souls are weary this day.  For months we have carried the suffering and grief of the world.  We are weary of the daily news of how many died the night before.  The ever-growing numbers are heavy upon our hearts. 

Each person is your beloved child, your creation, who is suffering.  With each breath they struggle to inhale the breath of your life.  Each one who dies brings grief to a family, to a community, to our world, and even to you.  For you are with us in this suffering.  You are with us in this grief.  Our souls are weary.  They beg for rest, the rest promised by you.

You said we are to be yoked with you and learn from you.  For you are gentle and humble in heart.  Gentle and humble in heart.  What are we to learn that will help us to carry our heavy burdens?  What can we learn that will enable our weary souls to find rest?

In the silence of our grief and fear, speak to our hearts, Lord Jesus.  Speak, that our souls may hear.  Help us to learn of you.  Help us to know how you carried the suffering and grief of the world, making your soul weary.  Help us to walk in your way.

Show us how new life comes from death, so that our weary souls may know your resurrection. 

Greg Smith
Director of Legacy Ministry
First Baptist Church Decatur