What do you need saved from?


“The crowds in front of him and behind him shouted, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
– Matthew 21:9

I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear the word “Hosanna!” I automatically translate it to a word that means something like “blessing, praises, celebrations” or some other positive celebratory cry. I’m sure you do too because we most often use this word on Palm Sunday when we are celebrating the arrival of Jesus to the great city of Jerusalem.

But did you know that the word “hosanna” in Greek comes from a Hebrew word that actually means “to save” or “to rescue?” In the Hebrew Bible, the same word is used in Psalm 118:25, which says, “Lord, please save us!”

Now, this makes sense, because the people who lined the streets on the day that Jesus arrived in Jerusalem were calling out to the Messiah to save them. They were hoping for a Messiah who would use strength and might to bring wholeness and healing to the world. Little did they know that this triumphal entry would end with a cross; that this parade filled with shouts of “Help us! Save us!” would end with Jesus giving his life so that we may live.

As we enter this Holy Week, offer this same prayer to God. “Hosanna, Son of David! Save us, O God! Heal us, Son of God!” What are the things that you need to be saved from? What areas of your life need healing? What can you do to lean on God to save the tender, hurting spots of your life?

With each day that passes this week, the cross grows larger and clearer in front of us. When we finally arrive at Good Friday later this week, will you be able to lay the things named above at the cross? Will you be able to allow God to enter in and heal the things you need most? Reflect on these questions this week.

Kristen Koger
Pastor for Children and Families
First Baptist Decatur