Tuesday Daily Prayer


April 14, 2020

Anne Lamott says that prayer can be divided into three categories: Help, Thanks, and Wow! Today, we will use these genres as we pray together. I will offer a prayer for us to share together, and then you will be invited to add your own prayers to them.

Let us pray.

Prayers of Help

Helping God, we ask for your guidance today. Help us as we go about our daily rhythm- if we even know what rhythm is anymore. Everything seems so topsy-turvy. We have to remind ourselves what day it is; what regular routine feels like; what true rest feels like. We offer prayers of help on behalf of those we may need it most today- those who have suddenly become teachers of their children; those who find themselves without a job; those who are caring for the sick and vulnerable; those who have lost their community; those who feel alone. God, we pray for those in our own lives that we know are seeking help in their own way, and we offer them to you now:

Pray your own prayer of help for yourself or for others you know

Prayers of Thanks

Loving God, we do each have things to be thankful for. We give thanks for the reminder of your son’s love as we continue to celebrate the Easter season. We give thanks for the ways we are able to stay connected in this time- through video calls or letter writing or phone calls. We give thanks that there are endless opportunities for creativity in these times. We thank you for signs of new life that is springing up all around us, and for beautiful days that we can enjoy. In the midst of this time of social distancing, we give thanks that your world is healing from pollution and sickness. We give thanks for the small things that feel like big things in this time- the chance to take a walk in the middle of the day; finding a needed item at the grocery store; the time to sit and be with you. God, we offer our own list of things we are thankful for on this day:

Pray your own prayer of thanks

Prayers of Wow

Wondrous God, as new life is breaking forth across our city, we have plenty of things to be amazed by. The birds seem louder today; the leaves seem greener; the sky seems bluer. Creator God, this world around us has so many things to remind us that you are good and you are wonderful. We ask that as we go throughout our day and our week that you will open our lives up to new and amazing things. Help us to see new things that allow us to say “Thank you!” and “Wow!” as we encounter them. Allow us to not take the things around us for granted, but instead to continue to be amazed by them and to see them as if for the first time. We offer you these things that have amazed us today:

Offer up the things that have filled you with a sense of “Wow!” or wonder today.

God, we give thanks that when we say “Help” and we say “Wow” that you care about each of those things equally. Thank you for being a God who is present in all things and hears our prayers of Help, Thanks, and Wow.

We pray this in the name of the God who Loves, the Son who Lives, and the Spirit who Leads. Amen.

Submitted By:
Kristen Koger
Pastor for Children and Families
First Baptist Decatur

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