Monday Daily Prayer


April 13, 2020

Gracious God of love and of life,

On this day of rejoicing, we come seeking hope.  Like the women who came to your tomb at the first light of day, we too come from the darkness of our lives.  We bring our tears of sorrow and grief, seeking your light, your hope, your life. 

In our remembrance of resurrection, we have not gathered together to celebrate.  Like those first disciples, we are hidden behind closed doors, seeking shelter from the suffering and death of the coronavirus.  Come into our lives as you came into that upper room.  Call us by our names.  Bring life and peace and hope to our fearful hearts.

We pray for your strengthening presence with those who struggle with illness.  (Offer your prayers.)

We pray for your comforting presence with those who are fearful and grieving.  (Offer your prayers.)

We pray for your life-giving, hopeful presence with those who are isolated and lonely.  (Offer your prayers.)

We pray for all who are quarantined in Senior Living communities.  (Offer your prayers.)

We pray for healthcare workers, caregivers, grocery clerks, and all others who risk themselves to provide for our needs.  (Offer your prayers.)

We pray for all who lead throughout the world, that their decisions may value and protect human life.  (Offer your prayers.)

We give thanks for the dawning of your light and life into the darkness of our lives.  You have called us by name, and claimed us as your own.  You have given us the hope of new life in your resurrection.  We find peace in your presence with us today, and hope in the promise of eternal life with you. 

We pray through the One who is risen, our Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Submitted By:
Greg Smith
Director Legacy Ministry
First Baptist Church Decatur

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