The Power We Have; The Grace We Share

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act
— Proverbs 3:27

Happy April Everyone: 

We have much to be thankful for. We also have much to be concerned about and to try our best to work together to have some kind of meaningful impact. Therefore, I’d like to share again with you our continuing mission to the people of Ukraine. 

The Power to Act

Rarely do we have such an extraordinary opportunity to do this so clearly; to “do good to those whom it is due when it is in your power to act.” As with many disasters around the world, we find ourselves unable to fully comprehend the magnitude of suffering. And yet, not only do we have a first-hand witness to the crisis. We have a pastor and a group of people tangibly offering God’s love as first responders. 

With Vinnytsia Grace Church

We have a new and growing relationship with a Baptist church in Ukraine, a refuge on the front lines of this horrible conflict. A church and a pastor providing care, comfort and resources to broken people fleeing for their lives. And we have been offered the power to act. Thanks to many of you already, we are able to wire considerable funds from our offerings over the past couple of weeks (we are still in the process of calculating the amount, and more is being contributed from across the country as I write this). One hundred percent of the money you have designated is being sent to Pastor Andrei and his congregation at Vinnytsia Grace Church. 

They are purchasing food to enable them to continue to serve these refugees dinner and breakfast, blankets while the Ukrainian winter still lingers for a number of weeks yet, fuel and auto parts for the many vehicles breaking down from long trips over rough roads, and the many incidentals inevitably needed as they care for countless fleeing families. And in the midst of all this, this church continues to share the power of God’s love, in spite of, and especially in the midst of this horror. 

By God’s Grace

Through your donations, we are so thankful to assist Grace Church by the grace of God. We have the power to act. We have the resources God can use. Let us not withhold this great good due to a people deserving of our resources, and much in need of God’s grace in a troubled time. 

Your Abundant Gifts

And now for the developing good news: when we began our conversation with Pastor Andrew (Andrei), I was privately hoping we could pull together an offering of $5000. That would have been a great victory and I felt would be a superb help to the new mission of Vinnytsia Grace Church. But I was wrong. My goal was far too low. For as of my writing this (on March 30th), we are up to $28,800 and still climbing. And we are receiving donations from far beyond our own congregation; people have been contributing from all over with prayers and generosity that are quite inspiring. What a blessing we are witnessing even in the midst of this tragedy. 

On March 14th, we wired the first installment of $2000. We wired these smaller amounts initially at their request; now we are sending larger amounts and will continue to so as long as they need us and for as long as we have the funds. Thanks to you all; thanks for your generosity and abundant compassion. Thanks for your gifts, your prayers and your devotion to a cause far bigger than ourselves. 

Final footnote: Just after Dilshad and I informed Pastor Andrew of these funds and how we would wire them, an air raid siren went off and he and his family had to rush for cover. He messaged me back an hour later and the missiles aimed at their area had been shot down. But the incident was a stark reminder how dangerous their situation remains. They have food, water, shelter and resources available for the ongoing flow of refugees. Now they have funds to pay to help them. 

Thanks be to God for these gracious gifts of hope and grace. 

