Late Spring and Early Summer Updates


I’m thankful to so many in our community of faith. Every day I see so many of you working to make our church even better than it already is. The following are a few indicators of your efforts, along with further opportunities for blessing our community.

A Growing Group of Young Adults: We are having some very good attendance with Young Adults at Young Adult Events and in our worship services, especially Fresh Start. Devita Parnell is doing a terrific job of coordinating YA gatherings and mission efforts. Beth and I will be hosting a Young Adult brunch at our house tomorrow (Saturday, June 10). The last one we had at Theron and David Clark-Stuart’s house, between 15 to 20 took part. We are hoping for the same at our house. 

This is a growing group of terrific folks. They are excited about our church, interested in getting to know each other, hopeful about finding their place of ministry in FBCD, and committed to sharing in mission opportunities in our community. If you know of Young Adults looking for a place to belong, send them our way! And if any of you would like to host a Young Adult brunch, dinner or event, let Devita, Casey or me know. In the meantime, please keep this fine and growing group in your prayers!

Youth Gatherings on Sunday nights: A huge thanks to Mickey Goodson, Carol Hadley and numerous other adult and young adult volunteers for our youth! From their good work and positive leadership, the next generation of our church leaders has been well-cared for.  Basketball, video and board games, pizza, devotionals and good interactions have been the standard fare for these good gatherings every Sunday night in the Activities Center. Between 10-12 youth along with 3-6 adults were gathering in our Gym and Activities Center faithfully each week. Thanks to all of you who kept up the great work to prepare the ground for our new Pastor to Families, Andrea Corso Johnson! 

Over the summer, we are meeting the first Sunday night of each month until school begins again. In the meantime, other great events are happening including pool parties and a beach retreat!

Young Adult and Youth Beach Retreat: Beginning Friday, July 7 through Monday morning July 10, our Young Adults will kick off a long weekend enjoying a lovely Retreat Center at Folly Beach in South Carolina. They will be followed with our Youth coming to the same location just as the Young Adults head back to Decatur. Andrea will be leading the youth for that week through Friday in her maiden voyage leading an out of town trip as our Pastor to Families. We hope both of these events prove to be excellent opportunities for them to get to know each other, to have fun and to move more deeply into faith. 

Visitors and New Members: We continue to have a good number of visitors in each service virtually every Sunday these days. I’m so grateful to many of you who are making them feel welcomed and wanted. I’m also thankful for our deacons who are also becoming increasingly organized around welcoming new friends. So many these days are looking for a place to belong and for a sense of community. Please know that your kind words and good hospitality can be just what someone might need as they search for a community like FBCD. 

If you would like to have your name added to list of those willing to follow up even further, please let me or one of our ministers know. 

Thanks to all of you for your help, prayers and good work!


Love, David