Letters from David – The Power of Generosity



With a thankful heart, I offer again my deep gratitude for the opportunity to be your pastor. Following Jesus together in this time and place is truly an honor. And with this great honor also comes a high responsibility. Standing courageously with those who have gone before us, we are called to join with the heroes of our congregation’s rich past. Our time is filled with countless opportunities to know and to be known, to love and to be loved, to bless and to be blessed. God is good. And in an abundance of ways, especially in Jesus, God has been indescribably generous to us all.

We know our salvation rises from a dynamic, life-changing Gospel. God’s Good News in Jesus makes all things new and holds all things together. For this, no amount of payment can suffice. Yet what a privilege to express our gratitude through conscientious, generous, and joyful giving.


In simple terms, we can enjoy what generous giving affords. Something inexplicably good happens when we contribute to a worthy, honorable, and life-giving cause. Even when we cannot physically participate in the daily ministry of First Baptist, our mission, prayers, and resources are joined in a highly spiritual offering. Giving itself, is a gift.

Consequently, your life is enriched, your soul is inspired, and your contribution is utilized in sacred, transformational ways. Thanks to the power of your generosity, every gift to First Baptist this year can lift your life and the lives of countless others. Whatever you can provide will be vital and will be used with the most conscientious efforts of Christian Stewardship.


Yet we go more deeply still. For we share in a vibrant ministry; we partner in a unique, exciting community; we learn in a living laboratory of welcoming hospitality; when one of us is weak, we combine our strength; when one of us falls, we rise together; if we fail, we give grace and try harder. We extend hands, spread arms, open hearts, broaden perspectives and know deep in our souls that God never gives up on us. We claim always the eternal truth of God’s redeeming love.

So let us celebrate together what is being birthed among us. Now is the glad opportunity to join the sacred fingerprints of the past to God’s bright dreams for our future. Who we are and what we have is far more than we know. But God knows. And the resources we contribute will actualize vast, exciting potential beyond our imaginations.


I hope you will prayerfully consider contributing as much as you can, giving generously and consistently to our shared ministry at First Baptist Decatur this season. You and your gifts will make a vital difference. Join us and claim together with the faith, hope, and love provided so abundantly in Jesus. God has been extraordinarily generous. So can we!



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